Sunday, January 26, 2014

Happy Birthday, Marcus!

This weekend we have been babysitting my cousin's little girl, Sophie, while her parents go snowmobiling in Michigan for her daddy's birthday.  It's practically a blizzard here in Indiana and they said it's just as bad where they are. I know I wouldn't want to be outside in it! lol I decided to spend my day inside in the warmth making Marcus a birthday card. :) I used the sketch at Freshly Made Sketches and the color combination at Color Throwdown. I also added some stars to join in on the star challenge at The Friday Mashup!
I was reading a discussion from demonstrators about whether they use the Chevron Embossing Folder or Background Stamp more. I definitely use the embossing folder more, so I decided to dust off the stamp and use it on my card today. I think it's a great masculine stamp!
I used my Stampin' Write markers to color in the chevrons and stamped it on my banner. It has almost a rustic look the way the ink transferred, so I decided to sponge Crumb Cake around the edges of all of the elements on my card to mimic that look.  The Squares Collection Framelits (that I got during one of Stampin' Up!'s fabulous sales!) make a perfect mat for the Window Frames Collection Framelits.  I textured the Basic Gray square with the paper-piercing tool and used the backside of it so it was bumpy on the front.  I love this look!

Stamp Sets: Perfect Pennants, Positively Chevron Background Stamp
Cardstock: Basic Gray, Cherry Cobbler, Crumb Cake, Whisper White
Ink: Basic Gray, Cherry Cobbler, Crumb Cake, Daffodil Delight
Tools: Paper-Piercing Tool, Squares Collection Framelits, Window Frames Collection Framelits, Sponge
Accessories: Rhinestones, Dimensionals 


  1. Too fun!! Live In the sunny south...well we are a bit chilly right now, but.....grew up in northern IN...lots of snow a d lots of cold this year!! Love those colored them in....perfect!! Marcus will love it!!mthxs for joiningq us at CTD!!

  2. Bright and happy! We definitely need some sunshine up here in the frozen north! Thanks for joining us at FMS!

  3. What a great masculine have used the perfect colors and I love all the chevrons!!!! Thanks for joining us at the Color Throwdown!!!

  4. A perfect masculine birthday creation! So happy to see you playing along with us at Color Throwdown!

  5. I like the way your stars work perfectly with the DSP, it looks great!

    I'm jealous about the snowmachining. Here in Alaska we're having record warmth and our trails stink as the snow has been rapidly melting. Figures, since hubby and I just bought snowmachines last fall!

    Thanks for joining us at The Friday Mashup!

  6. Shana, I love your card!!! I was wondering where you got your "DSP" from but it's not DSP!!! Great use of the Chevron Background Stamp!!!

    You have inspired me and I can't wait to make my own masculine card with the Chevron Background Stamp!

    Thank you for joining us at The Friday Mashup!
