Friday, August 17, 2012

First Day of School!

Well, it has happened once again.  Summer is over and school started before I even knew what had happened!  I can't even believe it is possible, but Talan is in 1st grade and Janae is in 3rd grade!  Where in the world does the time go?  I know everyone tells you to enjoy the time because it flies by, but I am so in denial!  Here they are, all ready for Grandpa to pick them up to take them to the bus stop. 

They were so excited to pack their lunches for today. The first day of school menu was hot dogs, so I didn't blame them for wanting to pack.  Haven't all kids been eating hot dogs ALL summer?  I know we have!  I made little cards to put in their lunch boxes for a nice little surprise at lunch, but of course I forgot to take a pic of them.  I can't wait to see what their reactions were when they get home from school!

The morning wouldn't be complete without a picture of my little ornery Easton.  He is 3 and I wish he was old enough for kindergarten because I would send him for sure.  He is a little booger but very smart.  This picture captures his orneryness (did I just make up a word?) in the best way. :)  Those eyes just look like they are up to something!

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