We are really hoping to move to the mountains in Tennessee in the future, so I knew Brett would love for me to make a mountain card. This one took a lot of sponging and blending, but I love it! I found the sketch at Fusion Card Challenge. Maybe this time I will remember to actually link up to the challenge. :)

I hope you enjoyed my cards! Make sure to click on the links below to continue on in the hop!
Blog Roll:
- Rochelle Blok http://rochelleblok.blogspot.
com/2015/11/the-stamp-review- crew-wonderland-edition.html - Debra Burgin http://heartfeltinkspiration.
com/2015/11/15/stamp-review- crew-wonderland - Tanya Boser http://tinkerin-in-ink.blogspo
t.com/2015/11/stamp-review- crew-wonderland-edition.html - Nikki Spencer http://nikkispencer-mysandbox.
blogspot.com/2015/11/stamp- review-crewwonderland-edition. html - Lisa Young http://addinkandstamp.
blogspot.com/2015/11/stamp- review-crew-wonderland- edition.html - Sue Plote http://thispinkrooster.
blogspot.com/2015/11/stamp- review-crewwonderland.html - Deb Currier http://artfeltimpressions.
blogspot.com/2015/11/the- stamp-review-crew-wonderland. html - Mike Funke http://stampin-style.typepad.c
om/stampin-style/2015/11/stamp -review-crew-wonderland.html - Shana Gaff http://stressfreestamping.
blogspot.com/2015/11/the- stamp-review-crew-wonderland- edition.html - Linda Callahan http://stampinseasons.
blogspot.com/2015/11/stamp- review-crew-wonderland.html - Heidi Baks http://
runningwscissorsstamper. blogspot.com/2015/11/the- stamp-review-crew-wonderland. html