I thought I had some red ribbon but realized it was Melon Mambo, so I went with that instead. At the last minute I decided this would make a fabulous shaker card so I dug out my In Color sequins, a window sheet scrap and some circle Dimensionals. I love the result! The Strawberry Slush and Baked Brown Sugar ended up being a fabulous compliment to the Crumb Cake cardstock and Melon Mambo ink and ribbon.
Thanks for stopping by to visit me. Make sure to continue on through the blog hop to Deb's fabulous blog, or if you are working backwards you can click on the previous tab to see Holly's amazing project! The complete list is at the bottom if you are completely lost, which is usually what happens to me! lol
Blog Roll
- Kerry Willard-Bray http://www.
peoniesandpaperchains.com/ 2014/ 08/stamp-review-crew-mosaic-madness-edition.html - Nancy Smith
- Holly Krautkremer http://rubberredneck.typepad.
com/rubber-redneck/ 2014/08/the-stamp-review-crew-mosaic- madness.html - Shana Gaff http://stressfreestamping.
blogspot.com/2014/08/the- stamp-review-crew-mosiac- madness.html - Deb Currier http://artfeltimpressions.
blogspot.com/2014/08/the- stamp-review-crew-mosaic- madness.html - Mike Funke *Christmas theme http://stampin-style.typepad.
com/stampin-style/ 2014/08/stamp-review-crew-mosaic-madness. html - Ann Schach http://www.stampinchic.com/
2014/08/the-stamp-review-crew- mosaic-madness.html - Beth Beard http://www.mylittlecraftblog.
com/2014/08/the-stamp-review- crew-mosaic-madness.html - Paula Wright http://paulastamps.blogspot.
com/2014/08/the-stamp-review- crew-mosaic-madness.html - Dawn Tidd http://tiddbitsfromdawn.
typepad.com/tiddbits-from- 2014/08/the-stamp-review-dawn/ crew-mosaic-madness-edition. html - Tanya Boser http://tinkerin-in-ink.
blogspot.com/2014/08/stamp- review-crew-mosaic-madness- edition.html