I'm back again, just a week after last week's hop, with a BONUS hop! Yay! This hop is a little different, because we could choose from any of our current host sets.
I chose to use the set with the cute little animals, Love You Lots. I'm kind of in love with those little critters! I decided to use the 2016-2017 In-Colors as the basis of my card. I started by stamping the background with the "love you lots" sentiment. I had a few places that didn't line up as I would have liked, so I added a few pieces of washi tape over the top. After I added my focal panel, I couldn't even tell there was a boo boo. See, you can fix your mistakes instead of trashing your work! 😁
Thanks for stopping by! Click on the links below to continue on in the hop. I can't wait to see what sets everyone used!
Blog Roll:
- Betty Traciak http://kittystamp.blogspot.
com/2016/09/stamp-review-crew- hostess-set-edition.html - Kelly Kent https://mypapercraftjourney.
com/2016/09/26/stamp-review- crew-host-set-bonus-hop/ - Rochelle Blok http://rochelleblok.blogspot.
com/2016/09/stamp-review-crew- host-set-bonus-hop.html - Tanya Boser http://tinkerin-in-ink.blogspo
t.com/2016/09/stamp- review-crew-host-set-edition. html - Shana Gaff http://stressfreestamping.
blogspot.com/2016/09/the- stamp-review-crew-host-set- bonus-hop.html - Mickey Roberts http://www.paperconversation.
com/ 2016/09/stamp-review-crew-host-set-bonus-hop.html - Dawn Tidd http://tiddbitsfromdawn.
typepad.com/tiddbits-from- 2016/09/the-stamp-review-dawn/ crew-special-edition-host- sets.html - Nikki Spencer http://nikkispencer-mysandbox.
blogspot.com/2016/09/stamp- review-crewhost-setbonus-hop. html - Heidi Baks http://
runningwscissorsstamper. blogspot.com/2016/09/the- stamp-review-crew-host-set- bonus-hop.html - Holly Stene http://hollyshobbs.blogspot.
com/2016/09/stamp-review-crew- bonus-hop-hostess.html